Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bush to Hold Another Worthless "Peace" Conference

This story requires so much suspension of disbelieve that it could be a Stephen King novel:

1. Bush has announced another in a long line of failed, worthless, counterproductive conferences between Israel (the only legitimate player), the Palestinian Authority (who's proven it corrupt nature), and "their Arab neighbors" (who don't want to solve the issue, because it gives them something to hold against Israel and the West).

2. He's also promised $190 million in "aid" to the Fatah government, who are essentially elected terrorists.

3. One of the goals of the conference will be to "review progress in building democratic institutions." I would expect this session to last, oh, about five minutes.

I pity Israel, I really do. After studying the history of the region, I find it a miracle (and, I'm an atheist) that the poor little country still exists. I know, I know, they receive plenty of aid from the US themselves, and I'm sure that helps. But as far as moral support: ours is a double-edged sword, in that we support their right to exist, but not their right to fully secure their existence.

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