Thursday, May 10, 2007

As a test, I've checked out to see what's #1 (at app. 9:10pm PST). Interestingly, it's a story about Kevin Rose, founder of Digg. That's too narcissistic to count, I think, and even somewhat perverted, and so I'm selecting #2.

At 2778 Diggs (which I'm assuming makes it rather popular), the #2 most popular story is about impeaching Bush. What a shocker.

Not much to say here, really, except that it's almost poetic that such a story presents itself for the inaugural Daily Topic Digg report. I don't like Bush myself, but an impeachment, in today's day and age, is about as partisan as it can get. I haven't read the story, and I won't, because I can guess what it's all about. "Bush lied, people died," or something like that, I wager.

Note: I'm assuming that the number of Diggs will increase over time, and that an article's ranking will change. And, a promise: I'm going to select the articles in as random a fashion as possible, defined as whenever I get an opportunity to post a report. I will not wait for a Leftist story to percolate to the top; if I'm wrong in my hypothesis, and Digg isn't a bellwhether for the Leftist leanings of the IT industry, then I'll stop wasting my time.

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