Saturday, May 12, 2007

Celebrity Report: For my inaugural Celebrity Report, which highlights a rational celebrity who doesn't spend his time bashing the United States, I start with the grandaddy: Bruce Willis. Here, he can be found taking part in a chat (intelligently, I think) on his movies and such. Nothing political here (except a very brief allusion to loving one's country, which for some is probably "political"), and that's the point of this segment.

Celebrities are not necessarily particularly intelligent or well-informed (although many of them are). They have no special knowledge by virtue of being famous, nor from being influential because of their celebrity status. In short, they're not really doctors, although they may play one on TV.

Most celebrities don't understand this. Bruce Willis strikes me as one who does.


CAMILO said...

In agreement with your commentary: a thing is the fame and another one is intelligence. There is a proverb in Spanish that says: Cultivate fame and go to sleep.

How many politicians and celebrities commit stupidities? The most of them. Excuse me: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis,and Tom Cruise, for example, are icons of fame and stupidity.

Mark said...

I would probably agree about my governor and Mr. Cruise (don't get me started on that one). I can't remember anything particularly onerous on the part of Bruce Willis, however, but that may be due to aspects of his politics being more in line with mine. If you're on the Left, then you likely see him as being such an icon as you describe--but, that would say as much about you as about him.