Monday, May 14, 2007

Michael Moore is at the top of my list of anti-American scum. He's not particularly more heinous than many others, but he's much more vocal and manipulative than most. He'll do anything, no matter how despicable, distasteful, or downright evil, to make a point--and his points are often multi-faceted in their intellectual atrocity.

Take his most recent affair, the trip to Cuba for healthcare. If he had been genuinely concerned about the 9/11 "heroes" (as he calls them here; I'm sure he calls them something else, elsewhere), he would have taken them to a place where healthcare was at least first-world. Taking them to Cuba, where healthcare is, in general, less than human, is disgusting; giving the Cuban dictatorship a highly-visible opportunity to showcase the decent healthcare that they reserve for themselves--as if it's the Cuban standard--is evil.

Cuba doesn't need any additional propaganda from the Left. And if Michael Moore looks in a full-length mirror, he'll see his character looking back at him.

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