Friday, May 18, 2007

If Digg and Technorati are any guides, Ron Paul is the darling of much of the activist IT world. This seems to fly in the face of my "IT is Leftist" argument, except that most of the agreement with his policies seems centered around his foreign policy views (particularly as they involved Iraq). Certainly, I can agree with his "Freedom Principles" as stated on his Web site, but his other views are typical libertarian--and I wonder why he doesn't simply join the Libertarian Party, outside of the fact that in doing so he'd be virtually assured of never winning another election.

If Wikipedia is to be believed, then Paul holds a mismash of views, in particular on social issues, and that (at this point) would be my biggest problem with him. I wonder if he has any consistent political philosophy, or just holds a laundry list of "values" as is the most important failure of today's libertarian (small "l") movement.

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